Put on the Full Armor of God, that you may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil.
- Ephesians 6:11

How the warrior shirt came to be…

In 2018, the Lord connected me with two amazing women who wanted to go after Him as much as I did. We decided to get together to pray and prophesy over one another. During our first meeting, one saw me in a shirt with the word “Warrior” on it. Two days later in my quiet time, the Lord laid out a plan, showing me the “W” that looked like lightning and the “I” as a sword. 

I then saw my brother Tim, a landscape architect and talented artist, drawing the logo. After praying, he said yes. And through much prayer and consultation with the Lord, Tim came up with this amazing design. 

You can get yours today at the Warrior Store. A portion of the proceeds from these shirts fund global women’s and girls’ empowerment initiatives.

My brother Tim working hard on a new design

My brother Tim working hard on a new design

Twitter Post - Warrior logo BW.png

When it nearly was finished, the Lord gave me a vision of Him pouring oil over the logo and shirt.  I asked what He was doing. He told me that He was anointing them with the Spirit of might, one of the seven spirits before the throne of God (Isaiah 11). Then, He promised that these shirts are a prayer cloth. This is an answer to a longtime desire of my heart – to see and experience what the apostle Paul did when sending out pieces of cloth – that people would be healed and lives transformed. We have seen and heard great things from those who wear the shirts – everything from people having prophetic words for every person they saw to a teenager who went from sullen to smiling and social the moment she put it on. 

We are so excited to partner with the Lord in this way and see what He will do. We would love to hear your stories and experiences, too. Please Contact Us with your videos and testimonies and share them on your social media with the hashtags  #radicalityministries and #RadicalityWarriorT.  We will share these regularly on our website and social media.