Raising up leaders with

Life-Giving Bibles for Kenya

All Scripture
is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

- II Timothy 3:16-17

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In the United States, we often take for granted that we have a Bible or Bibles in our homes. For me personally, I cannot imagine not reading God’s Word daily.

Our friends in Kenya are in desperate need of God and His Word. They are hungry for more of Him, and the Holy Scriptures are the guidepost to know who He is, who we are in Him, and how to live and walk with Him. Due to abject poverty, many struggle to feed their families, and having a Bible is a luxury they cannot afford. Even pastors often have only a portion of a Bible or one that is tattered. The effects of COVID have made the hardships even worse, with meetings being banned, Christians have been unable to gather and build up one another.

We are working with Dr. Robert Kamau, head of African Transformational Leadership, and the Bible Society of Kenya to put Bibles in the hands of pastors and congregations in their native language. Dr. Kamau and his organization train pastors and church leaders in Africa to help them better minister to their congregations and change lives. The Bible Society of Kenya’s mission is to translate, publish and disseminate the Bible into many tribal languages. We are pleased to partner with them to raise up leaders in Kenya who will help to transform lives and their beloved country.

For approximately $10, we can put a Bible, translated into their native tongue, in their hands. We invite you to join us by clicking the button below.

And may God bless you 1000-fold
for all you give!!!